Nurses need a union or there needs to be some legislation protecting nurses from excessive hours and excessive nurse to patient ratio.
This is a safety issue for nurses and the public. Since Obamacare and the DRGs nurses responsibilities have become a patient safety issue. There needs to be a cap on hours per day and hours per week nurses can work. Acuity levels need to be adhered to, not altered for the financial benefit of the institution. I’ve been a nurse for over 30 years. Nurses should not be mandated to get MRNA vaccinations.
Thank you for this! Our ratio on Medsurg in Georgia is 6 patients to 1 nurse on a ortho/trauma floor. These patients have bad mobility issues and tend to need more care. Things are missed due to inability of the nurse to do more than meet basic needs and assessments for these patients. Things are missed and This leads to poor patient outcomes and re admissions.
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