No vaccinations for Employment

Upon employment into a hospital setting, there shall be no more mandatory employee vaccinations or titers drawn. Employees should no longer be mandated to receive any vaccine which is on the market. No more: hep A/B, shingles, varicella, TB testing, Flu, Covid, tetanus, MMR, etc. If employees are interested in receiving any vaccine they are welcome to visit their PCP and have that conversation within the Physician-patient relationship. Sovereignty over one’s body should not be violated disguised as for your health.


I completely agree about the vaccinations. I am a freelance interpreter and because of the covid vaccine mandates wasn’t able to work in my field for 2 years. Many medical workers quit back then. But I do not agree with you about things such as TB testing, since it is a very contagious disease and symptoms do not show up until it is too late. My grand-grand-father died from it when he was young.


I understand your perspective of the no TB test. I perpost instead of a PPD which contains dog fetal cells to the QuantiFERON Gold blood test. A simple blood test can tell if you were exposed to TB or not. Thank you for responding you posted a great concern.

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Testing and vaccinations should be voluntary. Additionally, traditional pre-pandemic informed consent is necessary for people to make informed decisions.

This should apply to the military as well! Colleges, universities, public schools, prisons. All people.

No more coercion, discrimination, accomondations (another word for discrimination), applying permission to opt out, or denying employment or applications for employment need on medical choices.



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