👁️ NO to BIG Brother!

Tech companies in the news recently for privacy concerns include Microsoft and Adobe.

The concerns with the former regard Windows introducing a new feature called Recall, which records your screen activity.

The feature is supposed to aid in searching for something you need to recall.


  1. It is either difficult or impossible to disable.
  2. All digital data is at risk of being hacked by nefarious outfits or even political adversaires.

If people want the option to use it, fine. But Microsoft and other tech companies with similar applications must provide an option to completely disable the screenshots, the keylogging, the password recording, and all features, including the complete uninstallation of the component. THE KEY HERE IS COMPLETE REMOVAL from the system, and none of that “we need it because it’s so integral to the source code” nonsense.

Mandate it out. They can program anything.

How many times have we uninstalled something or disabled something only to find it back up and running and we didn’t notice?

VOTE for freedom. Say NO to Big Brother.

Want to learn more… Found this video on YouTube: