No Tax on Tips

Change the definition of “tip” to “gift.”

Refer to H. R. 8785


That would suffice. However, These folks typically only claim enough of their tips make minimum wage anyway. How about paying them minimum wage? Hence “minimum”. Let them keep their tips. Also, disallow tip pools. let merit speak for itself.


We don’t need more special favors and exemptions to add to the already bloated tax code. This type of favor pandering to special interests provides WAY too much power to politicians to redistribute wealth. This is why lobbying is the highest ROI business activity. We need ideas that take away power from the feds and return it to the States.

Flat tax. Wipe out the entire tax code and abolish the IRS.

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I do like the idea of a flat tax…I just don’t know much about it. I will educate myself. Thank you.