No more naked short selling

The act of naked short selling should be made illegal and decades in prison for anyone found guilty of it.
Naked short selling is the creation of shares of stock out of thin air…they are also called counterfeit shares.
Naked short selling is destroying companies and the peoples trust in free and fair markets.


Totally insane what’s been going on. These records should be scrubbed, and people should be made whole. Companies like Citadelle should be forced to pay every person the monies they are owed and profits they would have received and those responsible should be jailed.


For people that don’t know, naked short selling is shorting without borrowing. They are allowed to do it to some extent under the guise of “providing liquidity”, but they are like crack addicts on a pipe. Some companies are shorted over 100-200% of their total float sized because these people are insanely greedy and bankrupt institutions to make money all the way down.

Then after they bankrupt the company, they do not have to pay any taxes on their gains because they technically never close the position. It is completely corrupt and allows these greedy institutions to basically play god and bankrupt whomever they deem necessary. Needs to be fixed yesterday.