Great questions, let me start by saying this, hospitals currently charge around 1500 percent markup on Any and all supplies needed and used.
I work in HVAC, and if I upcharge more than 40 percent I am taken to court for price gouging because it is considered taking advantage of folks who are in a position of need.
At 40 percent, it is already enough to cover all my costs and allow for a comfortable profit as well
Many HVAC companies actually do upcharge far more than 40 percent and simply show the extra money going to this and that to avoid repercussion.
Even so, it is wrong to do that.
Unless you are a doctor, hospital or any medical employee…
See, folks in most cases can go with AC in the summer time so they can afford to decline those up charges, but in winter time, it’s more imperative that they pay for those up charges repairs to have heat in their homes.
Then on the medical side, you have folks who will not survive without certain procedures and or medication, but insurance won’t cover those things, and hospitals and doctors have their hands tied for fear of losing a dollar
If medical insurance actually paid for everything you need, considering you’ve paid into that insurance for years, then we wouldn’t have any issues, but insurance can pick and choose leaving folks not only out 400 to 800 a month in premium payments, but also without the procedure or medications they need
My wife had her gull bladder removed, and not only did her insurance not cover the procedure, but the procedure did not fix the issue she was having.
So not only did we get stuck with a huge bill, but she also still have the same issues as before, and now with no gallbladder, she has new issues as well .
I added up the cost of her insurance from the time she first had issues, until the day she had her procedure, we paid 675 a month for insurance, over 5 years that was over 40k, the procedure cost 22,900. Which we paid out of pocket…
So we paid the insurance company over 40k and still had to pay 22k out of pocket on top of that, her insurance paid for 3 days in the hospital and her medication after…what purpose did the insurance serve? Literally insurance is a scam and should be abolished,
If you pay into insurance then that insurance should cover any and all medical applications or you should be refunded the full amount paid into it
Which no insurance will do, leaving only the logical conclusion that insurance needs to be abolished.
Hospitals are… In their most basic form… a business… if they were there to actually help folks, then their goal would be to help no matter what . And sure they call themselves non profits, but show me one that doesn’t have huge profits…
. Now I am a firm believer that everyone should be paid fairly for the work they do… as an HVAC technician, my salary is capped… why? Because if it were not, my salary would soon surpass my employers ability to pay me and pull a profit my from work.
My employer cannot keep raising the prices to the customer every time I get a raise because before long, no one would be able to afford to have their systems serviced.
Same should be in the medical field. Because today, 75 percent of Americans cannot afford a medical emergency.
What about the folks in fast food? If they got a raise every year, and worked 15 years for that company no one would be able to afford to eat there, so that company caps the pay
Same with every other profession, except the medical field… Who at this point have become so grossly out of control that the average American cannot afford to be cared for, leaving the taxpayers on the hook for (not for profit) hospitals who’s pricing leaves folks unable to pay.
Another example… SpongeBob bandaid… Box of 15 costs 4 dollars, but 1 bandaid exactly the same cost over 400 dollars at the emergency room, not to mention the other 800 to 1500 dollars staff fee, emergency room fee and other fees…
I’m not anti hospital, I am simply pro people.