No Forced Vaccinations for the Military

I propose that the following four policy proposals, about {not forcing vaccines on the military}, get merged:


Written by < @StarWarsGal >
{Ban Mandatory Vaccines For Military Service}


Written by < @rturner79 >
{End ALL Vaccine Mandates for Military}


Written by < @Ericka >
*{End ALL vaccine mandates including the military} *

Written by < BMTF > @
{End Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Military}

Explanation & Justification

{All of these policies essentially say the same thing. I think the ‘parent’ proposal should be the one by @rturner79. It is the most detailed proposal.}


Question, what is the parent proposal going to be about?

Good idea. How do we go about accomplishing that? Does it happen eventually once it’s put in merge proposals?

Honestly, I thought the moderators would put it together.

The parent proposal is about the same thing, but since it is the most detailed it’s the one that all the other proposals get merged into.

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I think they’ll get to it eventually, if I understand how this site works. Thanks for putting this request together! I pray this happens.

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