No Federal,State, or property tax for active,reserve, NG military personnel

Eliminating federal, state, or property taxes for retired, active, and National Guard military personnel would potentially enhance the financial well-being of military families, making military careers more attractive and improving recruitment numbers. Here are some potential benefits and considerations:


  1. Reduced financial burdens could make military service more appealing, especially for younger individuals considering their future.
  2. Financial relief could enhance the quality of life for military personnel and their families, allowing them to invest more in education, housing, and healthcare.
  3. Current military personnel might be more inclined to stay in service if they see long-term financial benefits.
  4. Increased disposable income could stimulate local economies, particularly in areas with a high concentration of military personnel.


  1. Hard to manage: it would take extra steps in the government to ensure qualified individuals are vetted
  2. Loss of revenue for the states and federal government: while only 7% of population has served in some capacity, government would lose out on that income.

Overall this policy would create more attractive incentives for young Americans to join and serve their country, while massively benefiting from their service


I’ve actually been talking to my fellow service members about this for years. Especially for currently serving Active, Reserve, and NG all income is heavily taxed down to bonuses which are meant to be an incentive. Under the outgoing administration, world tension and war has flared up out of control. We can’t expect that our adversaries will simply back down now that Trump has returned. We need a strong military to project our peace through strength policy. Cutting taxes for our Service Members would do wonders for attracting new members to enlist to bolster our numbers as well as retain our skilled warriors to ensure our military is strong for generations to come