New Asylum Claims Courts

Immigration court

One of the big problems with our immigration is that procedurally correct - not necessarily substantively valid - asylum claims are taking years to process, sometimes 8,9, even 10 years. Meanwhile we have hundreds of courtrooms in this country that are dark and unused from 5 pm to 9 am the next day as well as Saturday and Sunday that could easily be used to process asylum claims and dramatically speed up the time in which these claims are concluded. Plus, we have tons of retired or part-time judges - myself included -who would be more than happy to help their country by presiding over these after hours asylum courts.

I do not believe the problem is too few courtrooms, it’s too many asylum seekers. Here is a couple of interesting videos from 15 years ago, before the current invasion.

Not counting northern board incursions.

I think the country needs to have a debate about what qualifies as a worthy/legitimate asylum claim, but the fact remains that there is a backlog of millions of cases that were filed in a procedurally proper manner that are now awaiting hearings on the merits. I personally know two people, both pastors fleeing persecution in Egypt, who have been waiting for over 7 years and still do not have a hearing date. That’s not fair to them and it’s not fair to American taxpayers. Those ancient cases need to be resolved and moved off the books. That’s what I’m talking about, not whether we need to revise the asylum system.