Ukraine cannot be with NATO or with Russia. It needs to be strictly neutral and as a buffer zone between the West Axis and the East Axis. As NATO swallows up more and more countries and get’s those military weapons contracts, the East feels they need to get a bigger ‘gang’ too and so Russia joins China, North Korea, Iran, and the list goes on and so it just becomes one gang against another gang. This is not ‘PEACEFUL’ or ‘peaceful alliances’ but GANG alliances and so this is why the war in Ukraine started in the first place (my belief from everything I heard - including asking Mr. Kennedy personally).

America began meddling in Ukrainian politics in 2014 or before – you have the Maidan revolution… Putin thinks that now America is in his ‘backyard’ or at least close to him. He gets upset and takes Crimea and now we have a war on our hands. Why America should NEVER HAVE GOTTEN INVOLVED IN UKRAINIAN POLITICS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Trump was right… we would have never had a war with him as President because he would have understood not to do that!!! It would be the same if Putin started messing with Mexican politics…

In any case, now we have this big mess on our hounds with many buildings destroyed, people killed, and so on. I was just in Ukraine (I came back October 1st). A hypersonic missile landed in Lviv beginning of September and our entire building shook TWICE… plus the ongoing power shutdowns, people without heat, and so on… and this is in WESTERN Ukraine. It’s ten times worse in Eastern Ukraine :frowning:

THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP!!! And I believe the only way out is for Ukraine to be Neutral. Not with NATO, not with the US, and definitely not with Russia.

I was in Ukraine under the USSR - I left in 1991 right before we got our independence. Russia took EVERYTHING from us, why most Ukrainians are such good farmers - we had to fend for ourselves… why most Ukrainians want NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA, but I believe the same should go for America. America needs to stay out of Ukrainian politics and so should Russia… Ukraine needs to be UKRAINIAN and completely independent from all these corrupt powers.

NO MORE TESTING OF AMERICAN WEAPONS SYSTEMS ON UKRAINIAN SOIL EITHER!!! Fear-based bullshit… the selling of American weapons by creating conflict… not cool!!! Thank God Biden is out - he was part of the problem.

Peace for Ukraine - Neutrality for Ukraine - Freedom for Ukraine - RESPECT for Ukraine

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