National Porn Ban

There should be an immediate ban on production of Pornography. Anyone making pornographic content, defined as explicit materials created explicitly for the purpose of sexualizing humans or animals, should face severe fines. Anyone found with possession of pornographic magazines, or pornographic materials on their computers or search histories should also suffer a less severe fine.

The funds that are generated from these revenues should then be used to educate the public about the dangers of pornography, the addicting nature of porn, the effects of pornographic materials on brain development, and should also be used to fund programs that counteract the proliferation of pornography.

I would also support banning all pornography from disseminating on the internet. Children should be protected from seeing explicit materials when they are looking for information. Heck, they should be protected even if porn is what they are actually looking for, we should make porn completely inaccessible to children.


Duplicate topic.