National Interstate Speed and Safety Improvements

Anyone who is traveling on today’s interstates, especially in higher traffic areas, and/or is reading or hearing the news regarding traffic accidents on the interstates, most likely realizes that excessive speeds and related safety issues are on the rise. It now borders on dangerous, in my opinion, to travel on some interstates. I believe that some steps must be taken to lessen the risks.

I recommend a DOT action and/or policy which investigates the interstate system as it relates to speeds and accidents. Thresholds should be determined which result in bringing down speeds and increasing enforcement and penalties for speeding. Enforcement and high penalties must also be utilized to address other unlawful behavior such as staying in the passing lane if not passing, and not using hands-free communication.

On a related note, new policies should address the following - all tractor-trailers or other trucks over a certain weight must be required by law to stay at 5 mph less than speeds posted for cars, as well as staying in the right (slow) lane unless able to quickly pass at no more than their lawful speed limit. The high speeds of tractor-trailer drivers today, which at times exceeds the speeds of the cars around them, is dangerous.

Doing the above will increase safety for all, bring down insurance rates, improve the quality of travel and reduce energy consumption.

I must disagree, speed limits should be set to the 85th percentile, the speed that 85% of the traffic is travelling at. This is the speed that those drivers consider safe for the road they are using.
Imposing lower speed limits on large trucks is counter productive as it creates bottle necks and encourages unsafe driving to get past them.

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