Moratorium on ALL vaccines

On Day One, PLACE A MORATORIUM ON ALL VACCINES in order to conduct thorough safety tests on each and every vaccine that is administered to any person at any age for any reason. Immediately cease and desist the administration of ALL vaccines until such time carefully vetted ethical and honest research scientists conduct and complete thorough, rigorous, verifiable safety tests on EVERY VACCINE GIVEN TO ANY PERSON AT ANY AGE, with no predetermined outcome, no matter how long it takes to conduct the tests.


Anyone wishing to receive a vaccine must be given detailed paperwork the same as any other medicine informing them of what is in the vaccine, how it works, and any adverse effects and warnings/drug interactions. This information must be written in language the average teenager can understand.
No government funding, buying, selling, giving away, earning money, etc. from any vaccine. Vaccines are wholly a private endeavor and must be associated with insurance that covers any adverse effects that might happen to all the people receiving them.
Vaccines must be made available whenever requested for chemical and microscopic analysis and this information will be made available to the public.
If a vaccine manufacturer is discovered to have added contaminants purposely to a vaccine such as antifertility drugs they will be susceptible to criminal and civil prosecution by anyone receiving the vaccine and those victims must be compensated for their injuries. The vaccine maker will then be permanently banned from making any vaccine or medicine again.
All vaccines will be tested using an adequate sample size of willing volunteers using a saline placebo control group. The results will be made public and this information will be given to everyone prior to receiving the vaccine.


End vaccine mandates for LEGAL immigrants, an often ignored group, that is one of the few still required to be up to date on all Covid shots and boosters.

Stop abusing those who can’t decline.

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I completely agree on the moratorium, but honestly …the safety studies would simply end up being another huge compilation of scientific fraud to make the results appear to be both safe and effective. It’s like doing a safety study on snake venom… “Oh, look at that …snake venom prevents cancer.” Ya know what I mean. Just shut it all down.

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