Every effort should be made to mine resources in the United States that are used to make CPU, memory and other pieces of computer hardware.
They should give rise to american-made CPUs.
Currently chipset manufacturers are based out of Taiwan and other areas and require import.
There has been cases where China has co-opted these chips causing security concerns, and also cases where artificial chip shortages have been inflicted in order to overinflate prices of items that use these things.
In order to not be beholden to other countries and to improve our own economy, we need to start chip manufacturing including fabrication plants and mining here locally.
We need competitors to foreign fabrication plans.
Both to lower the price of computer goods which will in turn help fuel the goal of getting to Mars regularly, and as a matter of national security.
I will add a caveat to this:
Supposedly, BlackRock purchase the rights to the land in North Carolina where the hurricane hit because there is a gold mine of lithium where the residents were living. There were reports that they are sending out texts to people who have lost everything asking them to sell their land for cheap and pressure is being put on them to evacuate, to sate BlackRocks greed.
This should NOT be allowed.
In my opinion, the Government should seize those rights, and if an agreement can be made with the people who own the land, Make an exchange.
A mine is going to need people who work in it and people who take care of the workers. It’s going to need a mining town close by.
Build out that town, and offer to simply give it to the victims of the hurricane in exchange for the current land, which will become the mind needed to do source some of the local materials required for CPUs and memory.
There’s something similar going on with the fires in Wyoming and I would offer a similar deal. In both cases, FEMA failed those people, so the homes they would get in return should be amazing, and also built to the needs of those people. Some are going to want a ranch for their horses. A farm perhaps or a bit of land to grow crop, etc. You might think building them the most high tech city in the world would wow them but these are people of the land in the mountains - find out what THEY WANT out of a home and build it individually for each one in that town in exchange for the rights to the land. And do it free of cost to them.
That is my caveat. Build local, mine local, but take care of the people who have suffered who used to live on that land.