Metabolic Oncology/Repurposed Meds

Provide support and access to offlabel, repurposed drugs for cancer. Allow the importation of medications people can use to treat their cancer. Ivermectin, Mebendazole, dipyradamole, etc.

Stop the FDA ban on importation of medications.

Improve access to complimentary treatments such as IV Vitamin C, Ozone therapy, HBOT, Mistletoe.

Support a project to fund and foster metabolic oncology practitioners.

Support the REDO project and study off patent medications and determine the highest efficacy medications. Provide guidelines for treatment and actual treatment plan for each cancer utilizing the higest level of evidence possible.

We the people are getting killed by cancer and there are treatments we can use to help. We metabolic oncology practitioners have zero support and are forced to network underground. Too many people are dying because cancer is absolutely exploding.

Allow and promote empirical, evidence based medicine (not by big pharma control/ popular peer review process) to treat cancers and immunological diseases using repurposed, cheap, non patent drugs that won’t bankrupt patients.

Allow doctors to use treatments they develop on their own. Harassment by their medical boards or the FDA or other government agencies has to stop.

End forced vaccination campaigns and enforce full product liability on all drug manufacturers and vaccine makers.

Fund independent trials, to treat cancers with repurposed drugs, collect evidence to teach all doctors.

Add to these independent trials the study of how diets, use of non patent drugs may prevent cancers and immunological diseases

Thank you for your support!
