Liam, I attempted to use the link to the site feedback page at the bottom of the How to Use this Site page, the link is broken with the message: Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private." Additionally, I didn’t see a way to directly contact the moderators to propose a modification to the site that might improve the overall results of the entire process.
I can already see that there are multiple policy proposals for essentially the same thing. Can you create a way for users or admin to tag multiple similar proposals that could eventually be “grouped” with the vote total going toward the best written/highest voted policy proposal? This site is an awesome idea, and I look forward to seeing what comes of it.
Add a link to all “child” posts with a link back to main
Add a link in the main post to all child posts
I think we may need a private form (google form, or on the website) that “mods” can fill out and then someone with “merge mod” permissions can do the above.
If the admin team needs some of this back office tooling, let me know.
Purpose: This tool helps aggregate discussions and votes on similar policies into a single post, creating a more streamlined and focused conversation.
How It Works: On the homepage, users can select “Merge Proposals” and create a new request using a template. This template includes links to different policies and their authors, allowing users to propose the merging of multiple policies.
Moderation: Moderators review the proposals to determine if a merge is appropriate, prioritizing more detailed contributions over basic observations.
Outcome: Once merged, the process is marked as resolved, and the record of the discussion is preserved.
Example: The video shows an example of two similar policies being merged, with the more detailed policy taking precedence.
The overall goal is to consolidate and simplify the policy proposals on the site.
We have so many people contributing great ideas on this platform, with policies and their details that may be similar to each other, or may be different sides of the same coin.
It would be great to have a function where we can make a motion to combine multiple policies into one “bill”. Effectively it would combine the policy details, and potentially add the number of votes together.
It would probably be best to send a notification out to the people that voted on the “children” policies, asking them if they support the joining of the policies.
Not only does this encourage more centralized activity on the unified policy, but if legislators eventually come to this platform to look for policy ideas, the combined vote count amplifies the real motivation we have to get that issue noticed and fixed.
I love this idea! As more ideas are promoted its quickly going to become overwhelming. I’d like to see your suggestion and, strangely for a forum, an actual timebox on new submissions, maybe a week. Then block new posts, categorize and group what good things we have, all of them. Then maybe archive it and plan to do one more week’s worth of submissions and then again close, categorize and regroup.
@ShaneVeldhuizen I just wanted to give you and your team kudos for the quick action and thoughtful solution to this idea. I thank you all for your hard work on this site!