Medical care affordability

Medical Care should not be something you decide if you need or not based on your finances. Let us look at other countries like Australia, where medicare is provided to everyone and depending on your income you get to pay a medicare levy on your taxes or a medicare surcharge. After you have reached 200k income. Medical care is the biggest scam in this country. You carry insurance your medicine cost is 50 dollars. No insurance it is 8 dollars. How do you justify any of that. I have migrated here from Australia and i am still shocked on how the american system works. If the governement was responsible for medical cost, you will find that food standards will be very high and also portion contol as well as clear labeling of food would be mandatory. Smoking would be expensive because it affects health.
I would be more than happy to discuss this further with anyone. But there is a way to make it happen and feasable.

I went to the ER for severe back spasms. I got checked in, they put me on IV did a urinalysis and a CT Scan. All was normal. After being on IV for 30 mins my spasms disappeared and googled why. Turned out I was dehydrated. After 4 hours I was released with no explanation or solution and a prescription for pain meds.

A few weeks later I received my bill from my insurace. (See pic) My total cost was $39,550. My portion to pay is $3,297. The care I received is not even worth my portion. Only in America!

Yes, happened to me. I went in to have heart test due to irregular heart beat. I was in the facility for 20 minutes, my bill was 10000 and my portion was 4500. I have now put all my medical issues aside and living with unimaginable pain till i pay that off. It will be 2026 before i am paid up.

I just can’t understand, how as a working person and a tax payer i am not able to access the simple necessities of life like medical care.

So much in this country needs change.