Medical Autonomy for ALL!

Whether it’s vaccines, elective surgeries, or any other health-related choice an Adult can make, it should be up to the Individual to make that choice. We need a federal guarantee of medical autonomy for every adult in America, to ensure a repeat of the Biden administration’s fascist covid vaccine edict never happens again! The covid vax didn’t prevent infection or transmission, it caused millions of injuries and hundreds of thousands of deaths, and our disability rolls exploded by 4 million in a year.
Now we face an epidemic of fast-acting cancers, heart disease in children, and many still are suffering with neurological symptoms that doctors don’t know how to treat.
Never again can we allow a government to mandate Americans to take a medical intervention against their will.

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We need separation of medicine and state. Medicine should be none of the government’s business. Government ALWAYS works AGAINST the individual in this area. All medical interventions need to be privatized. Government also works against natural remedies. Your proposal is a good start. Finish it.