I was in therapy for a while. But, I kept having to find new therapists because each one gives up on you. Here is what I mean. I am a deep kind of person and came to understand that I would need to heal on a deep level. My assumption is that most therapists would be willing to take that journey with you. But, for some reason, after a few months they always ask “What would you to work on?” Well, I don’t know! I am expecting my therapist to guide me through it. With each therapist I made progress. But, I don’t understand why they keep trying to make you take control when I am expecting them to know what that path should be. My guess is that there is laws or something about the way therapists are trained that make them do this. It seriously hinders the healing process and honest really hurts my feelings for being given up on by someone I am paying. I am NOT a tough case or anything like that. Can this get addressed as well?