Mandatory Prenuptual Agreements

The threat of the destructive costs of divorce hangs over the institution of marriage and families. Legal fees and arbitrary alimony judgements make marriage an irrational risk for Americans as a too high percentage of marriages end in financial ruin. Marriage rates are collapsing and with them birth rates are crashing, posing significant risk to our future economy. Attempting to avoid such destructive events by drawing up prenuptual agreements often fail as such agreements are routinely thrown out by family court judges. To promote marriage, families and children by eliminating such risk, prenuptual agreements should be made mandatory for government-recognized marriages. Agreements must specify the exact rules for maximum alimony terms, and amounts and the maximum child support amounts. No judge shall be allowed to disregard such agreements. Standard, default agreements should be made available for those not willing to incur the legal costs of custom contracts. No parent should be bankrupted by legal fees by a court system with no rules and no rights. Spouses should negotiate and agree to the terms of separation before they step into marriage, and before they’re enflamed by the emotions of a failed relationship.