Mandatory Military Service for ALL men at 21 yo for 5 yrs and ending all benefits after 5 yrs | afterwards ALL are reserves. TAKE PRIDE! Joining is not an easy way out! And not a lifetime benefit at the expense of all people.

Some joins the service because it’s an easy way out to get benefits! So take PRIDE and join not because of benefits but because of love and service for the country. After all, love conquers all and expects nothing in return!!!

(Also, those who pretends to be one or identify as a MAN, will surely have sudden clarity of minds! Making their minds right back on track!)

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Totally agree

Absolutely. Also, if we make exceptions for those pursuing a degree, we might have more educated people, and with the younger folks in the military or in college, that might leave some jobs for the older people that no one ever hires because of their age. But even with only exceptions for the disabled or those with mental disorders, this would be beneficial. We would have a lot more REAL men in America that know discipline, leadership, and teamwork. I’m still very new to this idea, so I don’t know exactly how I would personally go about it, but I do think this would positively impact our culture.

I would modify your suggestion in the following ways:

  1. Make this program applicable to both males and females.

  2. Upon high school graduation, the person has the option to join the military for a minimum of two years of active duty (thus ensuring we would have a ready pool of manpower, if needed, and a trained body of veterans. It would also give the service member the health care, job training, and educational benefits offered by the military); or 2 years of overseas civilian work such as Peace Corps-type work building hospitals, orphanages, etc, in 3rd world countries. This would serve to expose our young people to the way the rest of the world lives, learn skills they can use throughout life, experience different cultures, and give them some appreciation for how good we have it in the US . This would be a 1st order education for high schoolers who currently think that socialism in our country would be a great idea.

  3. This service after high graduation should be a prerequisite for the right to vote. 18-year olds generally do not understand or follow politics. They vote either for the same candidates that their parents vote for, or vote for the candidates that their favorite rock star endorses. With a couple years of national service under their belts, young people would have a much better appreciation of how life works, where their tax dollars go, and how to see through the smoke and mirrors propaganda fed to them by the mainstream media.

You are right! Young adults (male and female) will be able to see and experience different walks of life and will be able to appreciate what they have (living in 1st world county). They would be able to have first hand exp of life outside of their comfort zones esp here in America. Nowadays, their emotions are cradled and tolerated, hence, woke people. These young adults need to think more and less on making everything about their feelings. This is for America. America should be ready for anything. It can’t be always about their feelings.

Sexist approach! Either all citizens or none!