What we need is mandatory military or civil service for all US citizens age 18 or older before they qualify for citizen benefits including educational loans, social security and government health insurance unless they have valid medical condition or disability precluding from such a service. This will help teach them a mind set of servitude being the highest virtue in life and reduce the attitude of entitlement from the young generation. This will improve the gross national product by promoting healthy work force who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the country like what JFK said: “Do not ask what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country.”
This would play right into the hands of the Elites by creating additional incentive for their “forever wars”. Remember: President Trump may intend to use the military primarily as a deterrent, but it is Congress which has the power to declare war (which Trump would then be obliged to prosecute), and there is also the possibility an enemy attacks us (including the possibility they are incited to attack us by some elitist scheme), so even now, we are not completely safe from becoming entangled.