All Doctors mandatory education in Nutrition.
Nutrition is extremely important and Doctors are not educated in that field unless they are holistic.
All Doctors should be mandated to be fully educated, so they understand the importance of nutrient deficiencies and what proper tests to give patients. They should fully understand the importance of food allergies and food sensitivities and what proper tests to give people. They should understand fully the importance and the difference between gluten intolerance and celiacs and perform the proper testing, to test all 4 markers not just 2. And to test at birth or early childhood. It shouldnt take 30 plus years to know this when it can be detected at birth. They should fully understand what medications cause what deficiencies and how medications do more harm and cause more problems. They should understand fully the importance of toxin overloads (mold, heavy metals, and parasites) and perform the rights tests on patients.
These things NEED to be looked at and tested for before perscribing medications.
Doctors need to be mandated to be educated so we can Make America Healthy Again
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