Make voluntary and religious exemptions on vaccines mandatory to be accepted in all states

There are some states that will ONLY take medical exemption. You should have the right to choose if you want to vaccinate or not no matter what state you live in and not be denied care or education because of it. All states should be told they can’t deny any type of exemption.

Make it to where even medical offices and pediatricians can not deny seeing a patient just because the parent does not want to immunize, no matter if it’s because of free will, religious reason, or medical reasons.

This also goes for schools. There shouldn’t be any chance that a school can refuse an exemption or deny entry by mandate of shots


Vermont and Maine do not let kids who are not vaccinated go to school, and it enrages me. How dare they. We must have medical freedom. Where there is a risk there must me a choice and you can not discriminate against the people who chooses not to.

Vaccines are not 100% safe or effective. Period.

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I agree. We need medical freedom to make that choice for our ourselves and our children. No one should should have the right over the parents to force vaccinations for entry into any private or public school.

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