Make trucking great again

A). Ban all foreign brokerage operations. Truckers are seeing as much as 60% of the line haul of shipments stolen away by multiple brokers while they are carrying all the burden, all the risk, and all the sacrifices for their families for less money than we made 20 years ago. Personal experience dealing with brokers in foreign countries. This money is stolen from the American economy and the backs of hard working truckers and just flushed right down the toilet. This money going to foreign brokers is in no way helping the US economy. Prices of goods are going out the roof to feed these brokers greedy purses. Ban them day 1.
B). Eld-electronic logging devices have no place in independents and owner/operator operations. Most independents been trucking 20-30 years and have safe driving records the new generation will never meet. The eld mandate is unsafe, unhealthy, and financially burdensome. When the government needs something hauled for disasters we are suddenly allowed to run around the clock but if we need to work a few extra hours here or there for our families we are seen as outlaws and unsafe. End this now. The economy is going to come roaring back and there is an army of independent truckers waiting to step up and get the job done as we have done for decades . A solid economy isn’t built without the work ethic of the independents.
C). These foreign trucking companies being fed by mafia/cartel money need investigating. Every advertisement you see for Bosnian/russian trucking jobs all cash money with no taxes. Drivers are inexperienced, some dangerous, hate US, and don’t follow the law. The Mexican carriers coming into US hauling freight in the US which is not allowed but the brokers allow them anyways. Same with Canadians they are hauling intrastate also with no consequences.
D) I have several issues that need looking at I would love to see a team of experienced truckers with decades of seat time get together with a think tank type setting and overhaul this industry. The money is out there but it is being divided by people who have no knowledge of what the truckers face and sacrifice on a daily basis . You want to slow inflation, get the truckers together hear their voices, stop the bleeding to the brokers and invest the money in the people who keep America running.


The American Truckers are the life blood of the economy.Without the trucker the stores are empty.