Make the punishment for rape castration. Not sure why this isn’t already the punishment. Seems like if someone does a crime, you should take away their weapon so they can’t do it again.
I would include child molesters in this.
This could be fixed by a forced sex change followed by placement in a male prison.
It sounds like a really great idea it sounded like a great idea the first time a state tried it and a second and a third and a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a 7th and 1/8 it’s always been a really great idea except it’s unconstitutional. this is a political stunt that’s all it is. We would all love for this to happen but the federal courts ruled well over 30 years ago that this is a violation of the eighth Amendment cruel and unusual punishment.
States will pass a law and do it anyway I mean they they try it every few years and then they get their pants sued off of them and they make a political spectacle of it them and they lose because it’s a violation of the 8th amendment I don’t necessarily agree with it I don’t like it but that’s a fact.
stupid idea!! Do you know how many woman cry rape or sexual assault and are lying? Just ask President Trump. It happens all the time and our corrupt courts always find them guilty. You only win about 7% of the time in criminal court because prosecutors, police everybody is ALLOWED to lie! Lie, lie , and more lies.
Rape is a crime of violence and control. If you castrate a rapist, he will continue to do it but substitute what he rapes with. Death penalty.
Agreed Christina. This is completely foreign and provides a slippery slope into disgusting third-world tyrannical sentencing. What would be next – cutting off your hand in the town square for stealing a loaf of bread? Sounds like some sick Middle-Eastern religious dictate. The notion that someone would be publicly maimed or disfigured for being accused of a non-lethal crime hearkens back to the Dark Ages. Shall we start burning accused witches next? Shall we make the sentence for girls who “cry wolf” about rape, to include having her breasts cut off? How about lopping off an arm for “armed robbery”? Or perhaps confiscating a foot for jaywalking?
And when all of the men in our society have had enough of being seduced in skimpy outfits only to face threats of possible castration at the whim of a woman’s temporary emotional state of the day, how would women feel when the men collectively decide that it is in their common interest to have all of the women in society wrapped up in a sheet from head to toe, remaining out of the ‘public eye’, so that the men cannot even see women, much less worry about their fragile egos? How does that sound, in fair exchange? Does this sound like “progress” or “regression”? Does this sound like “woman’s liberation” or “woman’s slavery”? Where does it end? As the saying goes, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Don’t think this policy suggestion doesn’t either, if put into practice. Careful what you wish for – it may cost you the continued freedom and the possible abrupt termination of your entire family lineage, all due to irrational fears of bruised egos.
All drama queen wailing aside, almost all incidents of “forced intercourse” in America do not rise to the level of “death or bodily mutilation” in fair exchange — even using the Old Testament as a guide, you would only get an “Eye” for an Eye…you don’t get the “entire body” in turn. If a rape consists of permanent disfigurement, that is one thing. If it ends in death, that is another thing. But if it simply bruised an ego and nothing more, one doesn’t demand the death penalty for it. That is mere lop-sided, sick, fanaticism being expressed by someone who clearly doesn’t have a proper grasp of emotional expression, or adequate foresight, or even the means for rational thought.
I gather that it reflects on a person’s true nature when they call for such disgusting and irreversible punishments based on actions that were largely more damaging to their mental stability than their bodies. This kind of vile group-think leans more toward a failed educational system that indoctrinated a batch of weak girls to goose-step around in some Nazi-esque super-feminist fashion wearing pink hats and calling for the end of everything ‘manly’. Women secure in themselves and their femininity refuse to behave like that – nor do they insist upon manditory death and/or disfigurement in turn for non-lethal, non-disfiguring sexual violations. (And don’t scramble for exceptions to the norm regarding rape statistics ) 90%+ or more reported rapes result in no unintended offspring and no lasting bodily damage, and we darn sure know it to be true. Bruised egos and mental scars? Perhaps. Death and/or dismemberment in exchange for that? That is sick and twisted thinking, and puts one in a very bad light. Most decent people would agree.
What are we going to do if we later find the accused, innocent? Apologize and hand him back some ‘fake ones’? And when you find out that your husband or son is falsely accused? Oops! There goes your entire genealogical family tree, felled in one clean swoop by some cheap lying floozy with a momentary bout of ‘penis envy’. And if your son has a relationship with a 17-year old who lied about her age and gets mad when he dumps her, making your son look like a lowly pedofile rapist – will killing your grandchildren before they are even born serve as adequate justice for dumping her? How do you fix that? With a half-baked apology?
Rape may be terribly offensive and mentally scaring (when it isn’t fake) - but it is almost always not anatomically disfiguring – after thousands of years of it, we are built strong enough to handle it, thank the Good Lord. We are not made of glass. (And don’t bring up “unintended pregnancies” as grounds for permanent disfigurement or death ) The whole proposal stinks and doesn’t even belong in America…sorry.
When people are convicted of non-lethal crimes in the U.S., we lock them up - we don’t chop off body parts, because, unlike swinging open the jail cell door and releasing them, it is hard to put the severed body part back on when they are found to be innocent. No offense, even though I probably ruffled a lot of wet hens’ feathers. Ths policy is neither productive, nor American – it seriously lacks foresight and is merely a doorway to 700s A.D. barbaric and primative Persian society. It is what it is. My two cents.
Obviously substantial evidence would have to be provided, and not every rapist would get this sentence. We specifically need this for child rapists.
Death penalty is too easy.