Make spay & neuter a law

I don’t know what it cost to get an animal spayed or neutered in the lower 48 but I know up here it was 300 bucks to get my dog neutered 6 years ago. No I do not want to see this a law because if it’s a law that price for spaying and neutering will quadruple. I know veterinarians don’t want to see a cheaper option I get that I mean that would cost them money, but iuds were tested on dogs before they were given to women. So maybe they need to be tested again so we can have reasonably priced options.

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I’m a Preservation breeder. I own, train, show, compete, and yes, breed my dogs. I can tell you where every life is that I helped to put on this earth. I make certain that anyone that gets a puppy from me knows I’ll take back a dog, at any age, no questions asked, as I am responsible for these animals. I spend thousands obtaining a Championship, getting all the proper health clearances, pour over pedigrees to find just the right mate. Once they’re born, I spend time with them continuously. They are raised in my home, exposed to noises, children, cats, anything that they may experience in their new homes. I start house training as soon as possible. Most go home already sleeping through the night in their own crate, and well on their way to being house broken.

You’re going to mandate I spay/neuter all my dogs?

You do know early spay and neuter causes orthopedic problems, higher incidents of cancer, hypothyroidism,
and growth issues, just to name a few. My contracts state my health guarantees become null and void if they are desexed before they are two years of age. A quick search will bring up dozens of scientific papers on the subject.

How about having a law against importation of rescues? THOUSANDS are imported from outside of the United States just in my state alone. If the shelters are full, keep them from importing. An empty shelter brings in no $$$$. They import to stay full.

Check out their articles and the National Shelter Project. People here need some educating before they start throwing around laws.


Having rescued many dogs over the years I have always maintained those breeding “pets” should be both licensed and registered. There are many owners & puppy mills breeding cheap & often misrepresented animals for cash creating oversupply. so every kid can have a pet until…they outgrow or get sick of it, I believe those who pay a considerable sum will not only keep the pet and treat it better because the parents want it. See a huge problem with cats as many roam outside, Our village does require verification of shots but not spaying,


Well said. Affordability is deinitely a problem. Just took dog to vet for simple infection $212.

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This why I added provisions. Permits could be issued for breeding. Just look at the program we have for ferrets. You don’t see ferrets running the streets or overcrowding shelters/rescues but I bet the type of dogs you breed are in shelters.

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Shelters are turning away their own community animals because they are full. It’s rescues pulling from international. In this law, animals would be fixed by veterinarian guidelines.

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There are many of us that cannot afford to spay or neuter. Yet we might feed the stray cats or even let them in on blustery or rainy days. In many places, these cats are now considered ours. There is no way I could afford to do that to every cat. My aunt lives on the border of three counties. Each county goes and dumps strays hoping they end up another counties problem. She takes care of all of them and man do they reproduce but she lives on SSI and can barely make it through the month without using her credit card to survive. What happens in that instance?

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Well… I 100% support this measure. BUT, I have a rescue so I am going to chime in here about the shelter overpopulation urban legend. We don’t need more stray animals for sure but shelters are overcrowded because they above all don’t do their job while receiving federal funding. Yup I said that. Major associations are just as problematic as the bloated US administration: A bunch of bureaucrats who have lost sight of the goal: Saving animals.

No-kill is definitely possible, and has been achieved overnight and within budget in the biggest shelters in the US ( New-York and San Francisco) by the then SPCA Director Nathan Vinograd; but the biggest animal “protection” associations are not even trying to expand the “no-Kill” standard, they receive grants, pay their CEOs a fortune, are overstaffed, and choose the easy route -euthanasia- instead of working with the community and they are not held accountable for their results. No kill is just not implemented because it is more convenient and less expensive to stick a needle in an animal’s vein and put them down than to organize adoption events.

As we speak, there are twice as many people who want a pet than adoptable pets in shelters. Yes I said that too!

Here is the hard truth of the shelter situation in America: It is just a big fat lie that is being served to the public:


As a rabbit owner I will disagree with you on the spay and neuter of rabbits. There are too many breeders and not enough people to adopt those that end up in a shelter or rescue due to being dumped by people who either don’t know how to take care of them or get tired of them. Too many people buy rabbits for gifts at Christmas and Easter for their children then the children either mistreat the bunny because they are not taught how to handle it correctly or are just mean to the bunny and wait until the adult isn’t looking. The children get tired of the bunny and the adult doesn’t want to take care of it either so they turn it loose in the wild which is a death sentence for a domesticated rabbit. Yes there are risks with spay and neuter of rabbits but if they are not spayed and neutered there is a bigger risk of that rabbit developing reproductive organ cancers which is slow and painful deaths.

NO! No! No! Animals have a right to reproduce, just as humans do. Do NOT make it a LAW to spay and neuter anyone. If you want to have someone neutered, do yourself! This is a disgusting law, and should not even be considered, much less mandated


You can spay / neuter rabbits at 4 months. The procedure is the same regardless of animal species.

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  1. Anesthesia protocol for cats neuters does vary from clinic to clinic and even between veterinary surgeons in the same practice. I have seen multiple ways to anesthetize a cat for the procedure from gas anesthesia, which wears off almost as soon as you remove the cat from the gas to a mix of ketamine/acepromazine that can last a few hours. 2. All of this costs money, so no $25.00 will not cover the drugs, surgeon, and techs time.
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Even if it is made a law it won’t help. There are backyard breeders who don’t give a crap about anything but the money. They don’t register their dogs and certainly aren’t having them spayed or neutered. Also spaying and neutering animals has its own set of problems. Veterinarians tell you to do it at the age of 6 months old which is the worst thing to do to your animals especially large breed dogs. It’s stunts their growth both physically and mentally. Just like I don’t agree with states having their mitts on telling us that we have to have a rabies vaccine for pets every year or 3. One shot usually lasts a lifetime so you titer test instead. All vets won’t tell you that either because they are losing money that way. It’s disgusting actually.

  1. Rabbit owners and veterinarians need to have a discussion on the risks and benefits. It every owner will want to take the risk. Having been both a rabbit breeder and a vet tech, I would not take the risk as I do not see the benefit outweighing the risk.
  2. Rabbit breeders for show and fur will eat the excess rabbits a lot of the time. So, I would not say it is a breeder issue.
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Youre lack of knowledge and uneducated opinion is disgusting, actually. Titers are more expensive than vaccines. And dont get me started on mandatory state reporting.

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My lack of knowledge….you’re a joke. Why don’t you do some freaking research on vaccines and pets. Look up Dr. Becker & Dr. Dodds and get some real knowledge yourself. So let me get this right, you would rather poison your pet because it’s cheaper than save their life and let them live longer. Totally makes sense you nutcase.


thanks for letting me know just how big of a nutcase you are so I dont waste anymore time on you.

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You’re welcome idiot


No wonder vets off themselves at disproportionately high rates. They have to deal with you and people like you multiple times a day for their entire careers.

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Exactly educate yourself. Dr. Judy Morgan is a renowned veterinarian specializing in holistic integrative medicine. Only the best for my pets!!!

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