Make spay & neuter a law

It definitely should be addressed and if veterinarians aren’t giving the proper medication then they should loose funding. I’m very happy with the clinics we have near me.

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Female dogs who are not actively giving birth can die from a ruptured uterus. My family dog when I was a kid suddenly started puking up blood and died within a few hours with no prior symptoms at the age of 4. Spaying and neutering is extremely important, and we do not need more backyard breeders with the amount of dogs AND puppies who end up in shelters. Not to mention even KITTENS are at risk of being euthanized due to no shelter space in most southern states. GET YOUR ANIMALS FIXED.

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Maybe we should start eating feral dogs and cats. I hear that works for the deer and feral hog populations!

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So you would prefer they have a family and their babies go off to the pounds to die a horrible death because people cannot afford the cost of pets today and every one is breeding indiscriminately. Why dont you go to a pound and watch puppies less than a few months old get murdered. Maybe that will wake you up to the carnage.

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I would love to see more spay/neuter. I have a male & female who were thrown out in my yard like trash. Half starved & so thin you could see every bone. At the time about 2 months old & too young to fend for themselves. These babies don’t deserve this. If their mom was spayed this would not have happened. Because i don’t want them killed for just existing, they are now mine. But this has happened too often & i have way too many cats. They get fixed next week–$400. Crazy! If more get dumped, i have no idea what to do. I live in a very rural undeserved area. No shelters. None of the big organizations (PETA, ASPCA) serve my area to my knowledge…but they will gladly take my $. I would like to see those organizations come into our area to help, using private donations rather than taxpayer funds. If they are there, i don’t know about them & no vet has pointed me in that direction.

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That’s a ridiculous statement
Unwanted dogs and cats are euthanised in the millions yearly

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Oh wow! Unbelievable. Hope there’s accountability to these vets.

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What about me wanting to breed my dog? I was planning on keeping my current dogs dna going, keep one of his puppies then they will eventually have some and I’ll keep one and so on until I die. So what about that?

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The biggest problem with this is that hormones from reproductive tissues are imperative for long-term health. While there is a horrible overpopulation issue in the US, it is related to owner irresponsibility. Veterinary schools need to teach sterilization techniques that do not require the removal of ovaries and testicles (ovary-sparing spay and vasectomy). European countries that prohibit spay and neuter unless there is a medical need do not have the irresponsible breeding problems and shelter overpopulation that we have in the US. This is a people problem, not a pet problem, unfortunately.


They absolutely do anesthetize male cats. I’m a veterinarian. Not using anesthesia would be grounds for malpractice and loss of license. No, sutures are not used on male cats, purposely. “Knocked out” = anesthesia and pain meds. And yes, they wake up a short time later if the anesthesia protocol is done correctly. The cost of the tech is one small piece of the equation. Eight years of college, a building, electricity, health insurance, employee costs (tech, reception, kennel, etc), taxes…LOTS of costs involved.


Im shocked by all the attacks on veterinarians on this forum. Idk where they get this information lol, did you see the one where they said euthanized animals are used in pet food? Lolllllll

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Educate yourself. It’s true. FDA Concludes Evanger's Investigation, Company Sues Meat Supplier
Year-long investigation of euthanasia drug in pet food over | Food Safety News


Thats a pretty ghetto example, not indicative of an industry standard. Also doesnt prove it came from animal products, it could have been added by a disgruntled employee or corporate sabotage. It also doesnt implicate vets. But certainly interesting and eye opening. Thanks

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A clear no. While I see the benefits for some in general, early spaying and neutering for mammals is actually really bad for their health later in life. And I want to decide myself if our animals are being spayed and neutered. We do not need another layer of bureaucracy and supervision.


Shelters already spay & neuter animals who got there. Breeding permits will only lead to more governmental corruption and the creation of a black market of pets. The American government is already corrupt, and American people (and pets) are already overregulated. We need less government, fewer regulations, and more people who understand that pets are not toys.


As others have said, S/N should remain the choice of the owner based on the dog’s health and needs. More than that, “one generation and out”. If you implement S/N mandatory laws, you will remove ALL dogs/cats from the earth within 1 generation. That’s not a world I want.

We can be smart with education. I’d rather put the money there. Educate Educate


this one is tricky, I understand what you want but male dog to early causes major drop in testosterone which essentially your male dog will suffer the rest of their life. This is not something commonly talked about because you can’t just get testosterone because humans will abuse it.


That’s not really true. I have a pet that was literally starving living outside. Bones sticking out. Also very scared and initially aggressive but now super sweet and still retains some fear. It’s a scary world out there. Cats are both prey and predators so they have to fear being eaten. Dogs fight each other and coyotes etc.

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Where? Most places use anesthesia and pain meds. I don’t see how they would get the animal to cooperate without it.

Veterinarians perform spay and neuter surgeries under general anesthesia, which means the animal is completely asleep and unaware of the procedure.

  • During the surgery, pain medications are administered to the animal to minimize discomfort and pain.
  • For cats, a reversible anesthetic shot is often used, allowing them to recover quickly, usually within 10-20 minutes.
  • For dogs, pain medication is given before and after surgery as needed.
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NO THANKS! you city folk keep to your side of the line. Us in the country do not fowl our animals with mutialtion. We are Responsible for them keeping them in our “yard” and not around opposite sex.