Make school lunches edible again

Due to Michelle Obama and her take over of school lunches my kids struggle to eat school lunches that are provided by our public schools daily. Truthfully what they’re serving isn’t fit to be paid for or eaten. For some kids these are the only meals they get within a day. I don’t know why we are feeding kids prison food. I can’t afford to pack my kids lunches daily, so this results in them sometimes having to go a whole day of learning - not eating. This would make it difficult for anyone to focus. They come home from school starving. Please make school lunches fit to eat, thank you!


You should also make school lunch rooms have to cook food again.its nothing but over Processed foods. Full of seed oils. They should have to make real food.


Our district keeps telling parents how “healthy” the school lunches are, and they are absolutely horrendous. Think chocolate milk, canned fruit, processed meat, tons of added sugar, seed oils, everything is ultra processed. There is also a ton of packaging and food waste. Unfortunately, since the lunches are free, parents who used to make their kids homemade lunches are no longer doing so, and now their kids are eating terrible food that is causing health problems and diabetes.


You are so right! Thankfully none of my kids are in school anymore but man the horror stories from that mans take on school lunches was horrible!


As a Teacher I can tell you after lunch the kids are HYPER due to all the sugar. And the bkf options are chocolate milk and cocoa pebbles. Plus, yesterday for lunch we had rice and corn… the same meal they feed cows and pigs to fatten them. it’s awful and I’m hopeful that RFK will do something about it


It should be made healthier. Free of food additives, dyes, artificial and natural flavour and etc

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I agree. I have had children the public school system for over 20 years. I have seen the change in menu and the effects.

My son’s school has suggest ADHD more times than a few and me to medicate my child. His father and I have refused. I have followed all recommended paths, followed-up with providers which all tell me my child is a normal boy with age appreciate behavior.

The of the last provider we saw made the comment of food being his trigger. She recommended a natural diet as much as possible. Limit processed and ultra processed food, I followed direction and have seen great results. Until he goes to school, after being loaded up with sugar first thing in the morning, he begins to act out and can barely contain himself. The lunch menu is just as bad.

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My kids come home every single day from school with headaches and starving they do not eat at school I’ve asked if they can have a hot meal and was told (No) :disappointed: hoping this problem gets fixed.

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i have nieces and nephews and even my own children coming home with stomachs hurting and not eating their lunches. at first i thought they were just being picky but i have seen first hand and my son has described what he eats. For some kids this is their only meal, ours have dinner at home but not all kids do. Meals need to look the the foods being served in Europe!

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I’ve read about schools who changed their school lunch service to serve real foods, not processed fast food. These schools reported that the kids calmed down, acted out less, had better concentration and were more tolerant and peaceful with each other. Good nutrition affects brain health!


I know a lady that worked in a school cafeteria, and she told me that they were not even allowed to add salt to the food to make it taste better. The food needs to be healthier, and not processed GMO unhealthy stuff.

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