Make rent affordable

Rent reduction or rent limits. Single working parents cannot afford rent. Close the gap between rent prices and income


Rent controls have never been effective in making housing more “affordable”. They deter new development without massive government subsidy and landlords are incentivized to defer maintenance and renovations as long as possible. Rent control is how you turn apartment blocks into slums.

A couple articles/forums for your reading pleasure:

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Please see this thread

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Is there a topic merge request yet? I can pen it.

Not that I know of.

Are comments preserved when merging topics?

I just created the merge request and tagged your comment on Ash’s post. Let me know if it’s visible.

Not yet. Maybe it takes a while to show up.

It’s pending moderator approval

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Milei, economist & president of Argentina, just proved how rent control INCREASES housing costs. After decades of rent control, and then removing it, caused prices to plummet.