Make Mom’s & Dad’s GREAT again!

Being a Mom is a thankless job and when she is unhappy so are her kids and husband. The honor of being a mom was sure torn down by so many these last several years. It is such an honorable job and no one would be here if it wasn’t for them! :wink:

They need to feel loved and cared for. They need to know they are appreciated. We can offer small and simple things to let them known these things. Happy to help with this.

Also am a big believer in edifying Men in their roles too. Necessary balance! They should also know they are important to our nuclear family.

Tired of the hate, division and entitlement being injected. We all feel under appreciated and misunderstood. We are ALL tired. Like we just got done with a war or something. Small things can be done to facilitate these practices.

I’m ready to make AMERICA fun again! :us: