I would like to see our medical insurance become more afordable and useful. Over the past several years my medical insurance costs have gone up but I get nothing more from it. The out of pocket maximums have gone up to the point that you will never meet those maximums, so insurance does not have to pay until this is met. I go to doctors and I am told it is cheaper to do self pay than use insurance, but i never will meet my deductible by doing that. Now here i am spending money on something i cant even use, money that i could be using for food for my kids. Also i believe insurance companies should not be able to decide if you need treatment that a doctor says you need, they are not doctors so why should they decide if you need it or not.
I propose we make them get rid of high deductibles we are already paying them alot just to have it if we dont use it they make money
Stop letting them decide pricing, why should i pay $300 for an aspirin because i have insurance
Stop letting them decide if i need the treatment, my doctor says i need it i need it.
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