My 8 year old is a T1D since age 2. Access to insulin to keep him alive shouldn’t cost him anything! I worry about his future when maybe he won’t have access to our insurance or will have to worry about budgeting to keep himself alive! No person should die because they cannot afford insulin.
I agree 100%. My daughter is 36, has had T1D since she was 9 and a day hasn’t gone by that I haven’t worried. Her insulin should be free because if she doesn’t have it she dies. There is no option to skip it.
It’s interesting that you put this, first off, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but when the guy created insulin, he sold it to a company for like 1 dollar I think so that they could just give it out instead of making people break their bank accounts. It’s truly sad to see what everything has become with this. for type 1 Diabetics I agree because it’s not like you asked for it to happen you are just born with it. I think for type 2 it should be affordable as well if not free. That one is a bit different since you developed it over time so having it free, I’m not so sure, but still affordable, nonetheless. Then there is gestational diabetes which is something you gain with your pregnant. I had gestational diabetes so I think any care for that type should be free as well. Your point is vaild and I agree with it.