Make gerrymandering illegal in the USA, period. No special circumstances, no nothing, just make it illegal.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution mandates redistricting to ensure equal representation. What if we invented an algorithmic, mathematical model that the whole country can deploy and make it consistent?
Now you are speaking my ‘language’, Marcos! Mighty fine idea! Not sure why that wasn’t done a long time ago! It really would be a piece of cake, from a programmatic perspective!
Yes that sounds great, im mainly talking about them drawing new lines to benefit themselves in an election, I definitely like your idea marcos
The 2030 Census will probably cost NY and California (and others) some House seats. Texas and Florida are likely to gain. Those shifts alone set up a massive political battle.
You can see a 10 min TedTalk about this here:
What if we also massively expanded the US House, making each seat represent a much smaller population, so that gerrymandering became much less attractive?
Why 435 seats? Forever? They’re not listening to us now… What hope have we that they will listen to our children?
Check out these resources.
Congressional Apportionment Amendment
Hmm. The President already has to deal with 100+ elected lawyers in Congress, lol.
Personally, if I were delving into the matter, I’d look into the viability of ensuring that districts have as few lines as possible or are otherwise as close a shape to one another as possible.
I realize that there’s probably nothing close to a perfect solution but if something could be implemented that would put an end to those stupid ‘squiggly line’ districts that wind all over the place I think it would probably solve the biggest issues when it comes to the gerrymandering problem.