We should make Election Day a 24 Hour National Holiday, so everyone possible that can Vote in Person has the opportunity, on the same day, with a Legal US Citizen ID.
We have many National Holidays, and Election Day, should be the most important as a United States Citizen, protecting Our Constitutional Rights.
Yes, almost in every free and democratic country, has their elections on a Election Day Holiday, in which this is a bank holiday and also no school etc. I think this would be important and a commmuntiy building holiday!
Election day already works as it is. We have early voting for those who cant vote on election day. Making it a holiday may only cause government workers to have a day off as most private businesses will remain open.
disagree. Like other ‘holidays’ in the USA, those working in service positions, from barista to police officer, will NOT have the day off. So, I think it would be unfair. With early voting available, it makes voting possible for many people who previously could not vote. We don’t need another holiday.
All Police, First Responders and Mandatory Service Workers, should have a Quick Lane, just like TSA Pre-Check, so they do not have to wait in line, so they can go before, or after work.
I appreciate your thoughts, but still not a holiday for them. Plus, another holiday means more sales and frolicking, not more voting. Unless you have worked e ery homisay, while 90% of Smericans have the day off, it is probably hard to imagine how unfair it feels.
It is no different than the people who have to work on other National Holidays. Yes, if you are in the Service Industry, Police, or First Responders, you are working, as that is part of the responsibility in that chosen profession. However, All other Private Businesses should be closed.
This is possibly one of the Most Important Things you can do as a United States Citizen, in managing how YOUR Country is governed.
Teach Civics , and the Constitution to Let the People who do not understand the importance, and not to waste the incredible responsibility they have with Their Vote. Some elections are decided by just hundreds of votes. Every vote counts, and they need to understand that, or look foolish for squandering away their inherent rights as a United States Citizen.
How do you want this enforced? We cannot force businesses to shut down especially when many businesses must remain open for the country to remain operational.