Make alternative treatments legal (stem cells)

Alternative treatments like stems cells and peptides have been proven to help regenerate cartilage in patients but they aren’t covered by insurance. Instead doctors recommend invasive surgeries and joint replacements that do not last the life of the patient and introduce foreign material into the body. Other countries are allowed to practice stem cell treatments while in America we get a watered down version that is out of reach for most Americans. I believe it’s because stem cells would eliminate the need for 85% of surgeries and hurt hospitals bottom line. That is just one topic that I never heard RFK talk about.


The FDA tried hard to kill the evolution of stem cell therapy by requiring expensive, multi-year comparative studies. Today these therapies are hijacked by very specific and limited applications, which have studies underway. The main roadblock has been one adverse outcome from a patient who received injections into their eye, and ultimately lost their sight. This is no different than current eye injection treatments today., except that there are many more than just one adverse event with current treatments.
The second roadblock has been the often-repeated moral objection to using “aborted fetal cells”. Perhaps this happened back in the last century, but today there are a number of umbilical cord and blood collection and preservation services out there that provide safe, clean, contamination-free umbilical cord donations from simple caesarean section deliveries to meet demand for viable and ethically obtained stem cells that are MUCH more effective than harvesting and culturing an older person’s own cells.
There are so many applications for which stem cell treatments help to dramatically improve one’s health status either with a simple injection or a brief infusion. These treatments can eliminate years of painful and often unsuccessful therapies used in medicine today. Why send citizens out of the best educated country of physicians in the world rather than helping them right here at home? Bring the innovation home to American citizens and let’s get healed.


In my own practice, the use of umbilical cord stem cells changed peoples lives. We treated many joints and even some systemic issues with documented results and excellent reviews. The science is clear. Safety is clear. My data was used by a company to gain an IND and is currently in clinical trials with the University of Florida for SI joint arthrosis. The AG, DOJ and FBI pressed us to shut down and I was deposed for many hours and it was evident that Big Pharma was behind their motivation. So many patients benefit and we had an unbelievable safety record. We need to free up the use of biologics in medicine. It’s actual healing.


My sister received HSCT in Mexico for her Multiple Sclerosis because Blue Cross Blue Shield denied her the chance to have it done in a Chicago trial study. That was in 2016, She has had no progression since her treatment. The clinic in Mexico harvested her own stem cells to freeze, did chemo to drop her immune system to practically nothing and then returned her own stem cells. They basically rebooted her system. We need freedom of medical choices!


I am the Founder and President of the 501(c)3 Non-profit Perinatal Stem Cell Society (Est. 2013).

There is a very easy way to fix the stem cell and biologics field and my society has outlined a position paper available on our website.

The proposal is for the adoption of a Japanese-style three-tier classification system:
* Class III (Low Risk): Current 361 HCT/P products
* Class II (Medium Risk): New category for products like expanded cells, exosomes
* Class I (High Risk): Current 351 pathway products like gene therapies

• Recommends allowing patient-funded Phase II and III clinical trials, similar to Japan’s model
• Allow for the Pooling for substantially similar products in regulatory data submissions

Goal: Restore U.S. leadership in regenerative medicine while maintaining safety and efficacy standards

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Same with GCMaf. Immunotherapy and alternative shouldn’t be ‘regulated’ … FDA needs to go. They’ve done too much to the people (if they only knew) and should be struck from existence. Access to GCMaf and stem cells should be facilitated by gov’t. Help and support in whatever way or means should be given over towards these treatments to restore health

Exosomes appear to help initiate stem cell activation for healing. They can be cultured in massive qualtities, but in years past, putting them on the shelves was not effective for mass production. Has this operation been improved? These are the tools of good medicine; worthy of investment and development, and no DNA transfers. Please tell me if any work on this is underway and from whom. If not, the U.S.A. should open up this opportunity channel, as it may be the safest way to move down this treatment pathway.