Make Affordable Housing Affordable Again

Manufactured homes are a wonderful and affordable housing solution for first time home buyers & senior citizens. Most manufactured home parks are owned by greedy and power hungry corporations. I am 21 years old and was a first time home buyer at 19. When my husband and I bought the house, I was advised that we would have to pay a monthly lot rent, since we owned the house, but not the land it sits on. This rent was $585 on top of our regular mortgage payment. One year later, the owners of the manufactured home park raised the rent to $685 a month. I spoke with some neighbors and found out that only 2 years prior to me moving in, the rent was only in the $200s. Our community is made up of mostly senior citizens living on a fixed income. The ever-increasing monthly rent is actively forcing people out of these homes, but they’re impossible to sell, since no one wants to pay rent on top of a mortgage! Make affordable housing affordable again!


I had a similar policy, it’s not the same as yours but it describes a lot of similar issues. My policy also aims to keep manufactured home parks affordable for habitants without raising prices.

Ill add it here:

The Housing Industry needs to be Restructured from the GROUND U P…PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE SUB PAR HOUSING .WE do not need to settle for CRAP. EVERYONE DESERVES A HEALTHY SAFE WELL BUILT HOME Across the board.