Lower Taxes with Free Education to the 6th Grade/ Trade School Focus

Basic fundamentals are being taught to our children younger and younger and padding between the grades has made our education below average. Refocusing and making public education free to the 6th grade should be guaranteed but from 7th to 12th should be only partially funded by government. Parents would be more incentivized to have children doing better in school if they would need to fund their child going into middle school and high school. Scholarships and aid would still be available to students but grades would truly help guide people from classical education to trade schools where skills are learned. Assistants, grants, and scholarships could still be used, but teachers would no longer be bogged down by uninterested students who wouldn’t benefit from what was being taught! This would reduce taxes across all states and improve the quality of education! Children would begin to specialize in their fields of interest much earlier and not need to take useless classes! The added benefit of also feeding our children healthier lunches and physical would also increase! We need a smarter America in the future, and our children’s education or lack there of is what has caused our decline as a nation - and the health of our children needs will be prioritized this way! Condensing money spent to the lower grades will also allow programs that are usually cut to prosper and actually have funding. Increase languages taught and learned at the ages where children will actually absorb and retain it. The most important years of learning should be prioritized!