I have been very sick for over a year with an illness that has not been diagnosed yet, although I have seen several different doctors. I have lung phlegm that makes me feel like I am drowning, chest pain, and frequent cough and throat clearing, All of these problems get much worse when I am on my feet trying to do things around the house. I lost quite a lot of weight a few months ago, although I didn’t lower my caloric intake. I am afraid that I am sick because I naively had had two doses of the Covid vaccine in 2021. My husband has been sick for many months now, also – with something that looks, more and more, like the same thing that I have. I am afraid that I am one of the “vaccine injured,” and that I have somehow given it to my husband, as well. We cannot find a doctor who will prescribe Ivermectin, because it has been basically banned in the U.S., but we would really like to try it, because we are getting worse, with every month that elapses.
And so, I am cautiously looking for an Ivermectin source, but have found that it is banned in the U.S. I also worry that there are other possibly “vaccine injured” people who are getting very, very sick, and need to try taking Ivermectin, right away. That’s why I am proposing to lift the ban on Ivermectin, as soon as possible!
Use Bimectin. Works the same. It’s potent ivermectin. Wont harm you. Pencil eraser size daily. Look for DIRT ROAD DISCUSSIONS online and read more about it
The human ivermectin is the same thing as the animal ivermectin yeah there are in the paste other things included to make it a paste but they are safe to eat disgusting but safe if you don’t want to do that you can get yourself a 50 ml bottle the size of a shot or a shooter one of the little tiny shots of liquor you can get ivermectin injection for cattle and swine 1% sterile solution it clearly says not for human use so it’s got in it it’s not you know I mean I’ve taken it a lot and I’ve taken some massive doses because I’m a farmer and even though this is an injectable one I use for goats and sheep you use it by a mouth which you can use it on everything by a mouth or even through the skin but for goats and shapes you just give it to them orally and sometimes they fight it and when you’re holding it in your mouth you end up getting a mouthful of it and when you’re doing a whole bunch of them you get a few mouthfuls of it. I’ve gotten massive dose of it with the horse wormer too because yeah my Kaylee does not like to take it it tastes nasty and she doesn’t like nasty days and stuff and she’ll fight me and I only have two hands so it’s always gets put in my mouth and I have eaten a lot of it.
It is not banned in the US maybe your state. But you can still get it. On Amazon and tractor supply and other places. You might also look at safeguard it’s main ingredient is also a killer of cancer. It is not because cancer is a parasite it is not and I am also going to put in here an article from the government I think it was the NIH I’ll find it in a minute that tells you the actions and why it kills the cancer it paralyzes a part of a cancer cell it doesn’t kill it because it’s a parasite it’s not a parasite it just kills it the same way it kills a parasite. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/durvet-ivermectin-injection-1-sterile-solution-50-ml
I totally agree! I have taken ivermectin paste/gel since 2020. I started one a day for 3 days then once a week for a month then once s month. I am 76 yrs old and never had covid, flu nor pneumonia. I did not take a single covid or flu shot. I am still taking ivermectin once a month. A pencil eraser size drop. I have had no side effects and it does not interfere with any of my medications. I have a lot of allergies and bronchical asthma and the ivermectin has helped keep those things in check.
Look up The Wellness Company. You can also find ways to buy Ivermectin on line. Just do some research and you will find a solution.
I am so sorry you and your husband are sick. And yes, I have many people in my life that got the jab and they are all getting Covid over and over, and are sick with many other things. I tried to tell them, but some of them yelled at me and others just ignored me.
It is not really banned, but it is by prescription only and doctors can get into trouble for proscribing it for Covid as it is not an approved treatment. It is available over-the-counter in nearly every other country. You can order it for very low cost from India. A good source is : https://www.buy-pharma.md/
Yes, the ingredient label itself reveals 1.87% ivermectin. The trick is to administer a certain overall body concentration based on body weight so that it remains strong enough to kill internal parasites, but not too potent that it becomes disagreeable to bodily cells, tissues, and systems. That is all you need to know. Now if you want to know if someone keels over after taking it, or grows horse hooves and a hairy tail, I can vouch for that – I am a 5-year self-administrator of Bi-mectin; I am not texting you from beyond the grave; and I still haven’t grown a hairy tail. It is quite effective on humans (using my ‘human’ self as a long-term test subject), even though the “apple flavor” doesn’t do much to hide the bitterness. I look at like taking the dreaded tablespoon cod-liver oil “back in the day”. I treat myself twice a year with a full oral syringe (once dose per day for 5 days) as a body flush to kill foreign organisms throughout the body. Once in the Spring, once in the Fall. If you are looking for clinical studies on humans taking horse dewormer, then you are going to be waiting a long time, since that is not how the system works. Using some common sense will get you over that hurdle. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the suggestion, I looked at the website but it looked a little too much involved. Actually, I did get ahold of some Ivermectin a little more than a week ago, through https://allfamilypharma.com/ . It was kind of expensive, but it was worth it because it helped quite a bit. But then a couple of days ago, I also got ahold of a supplement called Nattokinase, which has helped me even more! I am almost breathing normally… almost! It’s a miracle, really!
Oh wow, that’s amazing, that it has helped you so much! So very encouraging, thanks! Actually, I did get ahold of some Ivermectin, but in the capsule form, through https://allfamilypharma.com/ . It was expensive, but it has helped me quite a bit! And then, a few or couple days ago, I started taking Nattokinase, which is a supplement that is also used for Covid illnesses, and that really is helping me even more! I think it might be getting rid of the “Spike Proteins.” It’s actually remarkable, because I had been suffering so, so long, with constant coughing and lung phlegm, etc.