LEOSA for Federal retirees

The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act was originally enacted in 2004. It contains provisions for qualified active and retired State, local and Federal officers/Agents to qualify and maintain their ability to lawfully carry concealed handguns, with certain restrictions, throughout the US. On January 31st, 2005, US Attorney General John Ashcroft issued a memorandum that prohibited all Federal agencies under the Department of Justice who had a law enforcement component, from qualifying their retired LE personnel. That memorandum remains a bar to qualification for all LE retirees currently under US DOJ. On January 18th, 2021, President Trump issued Executive Order 13977, directing all Federal agencies with LE personnel to expedite the implementation of the LEOSA protocols as expeditiously as possible and report to the President what problems and progress has been made in compliance with his Executive Order. It appears that on the Federal level, it has been ignored. LEOSA was passed into Federal law to provide clear guidelines as to the authority of Federal agencies to utilize armed employees in the discharge of their official duties and was expanded to impact threats against the Federal court system and those working therein. Retirees, trained and experienced, serve as force multipliers for active law enforcement operations at the local, State and Federal levels, as recently demonstrated by activities of armed retirees is support of law enforcement activities in the NC mountains in the wake of hurricane devastation. President Trump might consider inquiry as to the implementation of his Executive Order 13977.

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I can confirm that U.S.Department of Labor has refused to obey this executive order and refused to obey Title 18 US Code 926C by refusing to issue the QRLEO ID when requested yet has certified my service as Federal Police.
I asked Dept of Justice to tell them to issue the ID and I have written the White House during all of the last three administrations.

current legislation: (HR354) LEOSA Reform Act of 2024 bill was introduced by Rep (R-NE) Don Bacon
Passed the House and was sent to the Senate.

To Fix Current problems :

  1. QRLEO ID. Shall Issue or Show Cause
    ( authority to issue to be granted to “Defense Consulting Service” if not issued by the department within 6 months of separation. ( this eliminates multiple agencies or multiple states from insisting the other should issue not them.)
  2. LEO & QRLEO allowed to concealed carry in any location open to the public for the protection of the public. (Including gun free school zones.)
  3. LEO & QRLEO to be exempt from state laws restricting smagazine capacity, assault rifles , and ammunition types commonly used in law enforcement.

I could never access the document from Attorney General Ashcroft that prohibited compliance with the language and intent of Congress regarding LEOSA. I was consulted by my former Agency’s firearms training staff in 2022 for my input into implementing the provisions of Executive Order 13977. Never heard another word about it. The only justification I ever received for declination to implement EO 13977 was “because we say so”. While this issue may not seem vital to a large swath of the public, the reality is that a large number of former officers and Agents retire in very anti Second Amendment states, remain in place or move to the South for their golden years, but can’t go visit those dangerous areas while legally armed. It matters to many of us who honorably served, including those who now work as contractors. While Congress stews over the LEOSA Reform Act (which should have passed years ago), an authoritative reminder from the White House to get’er EO 13977 done would help greatly. Thanks for joining in AWW.

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I have found the Sheriff Dept to be very LEOSA friendly - facilitating annual firearms qualification for QRLEO retired law enforcement officers from Federal, State & Municipal agencies.

The hard part can be originally getting the QRLEO ID
Particularly difficult for officers with service in multiple states with multiple agencies. Federal Law currently requires an “aggregate” of 10 years but waives that if disabled in the line of duty. In actual practice however the ID is commonly issued to those who retire following 20 + years with one agency.
“Defense Consulting Service” is federally authorized to issue for “Military Law Enforcement” and should be authorized to issue the QRLEO ID to officers who meet the 10 year service if they have not been able to obtain the required ID within 6 months after separation from their last law enforcement agency.
Quite simply Nothing in Federal Law Requires the ID Shall Issue. This has to be fixed because one state may issue the ID and another state may decide they dont issue the ID to anyone. In Iowa one state law enforcement agency may issue while another state law enforcement agency does not issue. The system is based on federal law and must be equally applied in every part of the United States.

My other concern is that even with my QRLEO ID and a current firearms qualification there is nothing that exempts me from a gun free school zone. The wording used in LEOSA needs to airhorize LEO and QRLEO to concealed carry in any location open to the public for the protection of the public. This law needs plain english not word salad, not loopholes for lawyers just simple clear wording.
It is also important to exempt LEO & QRLEO from state laws restricting magazine capacity, assault rifles and ammunition types currently used in law enforcement.

LEOSA was our response to 9-11-2001 it is our response to in progress violent felony crime. It’s time to stop handicapping this Federal Grant of Authority.