Label foods as "Pure" (meaning unadulterated)

There doesn’t seem to be any way currently to determine if a product is pure; meaning without any added ingredients (or manipulated in some way). For example, heavy cream is often labeled organic, but organic can mean any combination of products that are organic. In fact, many brands of organic heavy cream (whipped cream) have organic guar gum or some other organic filler. It is very hard to find heavy cream that is only milk/cream. Take a look at a nutrition label sometime and you’ll see what I mean. There are many such products that should be only one ingredient that have unnecessary additives and chemicals added to them for what seems like no reason. Consumers all end up buying filler (or chemicals) instead of the products they intend. I mean even arsenic is consider “organic” and that’s not exactly healthy. Ultimately, it should be easier than it is to tell the purity of single ingredient products and it would be nice if we had a labeling term/standard that makes these products easy to identify. So my idea is to create a new food label (or change existing food labeling requirements) so it’s easy to tell if the one ingredient food you purchased is actually one ingredient or full of junk… at least until we can ban these additives outright.