Justice for Service members and Overhaul the DoD/Service Branches

During COVID there was rampant discrimination against personnel that requested Religious Exemption Accommodation Request from being vaccinated, despite the DoD’s own policy on discrimination and laws against discrimination based on genetic information (GINA). The Area Defense Counsel, JAG, Inspector General, Military Equal Opportunity, Chaplains, and Medical personnel were all given the same orders to stop and prevent service members from requesting vaccination exemptions. Service members were coerced and forced into taking the vaccine without informed conset, which violated the Nuremberg code causing crimes against humanity, and violated the oath of Enlistment by denying service members of their Constitutional rights. As a result many service members either prematurely ended their careers or took a vaccine against their will for fear of losing their hard earned benefits and income. Some service members that opted for the vaccine were injured as a result of receiving it. The United States government owes an apology and reparations to these service members.

The United States military is full of power hungry zealots and “YES-MEN” that follow orders blindly with no accountability or allegiance to United States Constitution. The very nature of the Officer and Enlisted structure promotes division and an environment of “do as I say, but not as I do”. The Good Ole Boy system is in full control of who gets promoted and who gets put in a closet for what is referred to as “the administrative bleed of death”. Promotions get handed to the most popular members that constantly volunteer outside of the military but often times are not fully trained or lack knowledge and experience in their primary duties that they are paid to do. Personnel cross-training from one careerfield to another are often promoted before more knowledgeable and experienced personnel with time in the careerfield. Officers are given greater opportunities to change jobs or locations than Enlisted members. A two-tiered justice system keeps Officers in, while court-martialing and discharging Enlisted members for the same misconduct.

Yep, I had to either take the jab or forfeit 15 years of benefits. Pretty crappy ordeal and I waited til the last possible moment to get it. For me, an apology is useless and too late.