Support Israel in re-asserting sovereignty over its lands, including Judea and Samaria (lying media calls “West Bank”). Also the area of Gaza and the buffer in Lebanon. Possibly more.
Palestine was a Roman province. It has NEVER been a country of any sort. It is not an ethnicity. Those claiming to be or supporting of “Palestine” are terrorists.
USA must stop funding and aiding Iran and its proxies in their terrorist actions. Rather the US needs to aid Israel in exterminating the terrorists and their organizations, wherever they are.
Millions of Christians have prayed for months to put Trump back in office. God granted us that mercy and grace and we have to be wise about what we do with the time we’ve been given. If we are reckless with this time He will not grant us mercy again.
If you still believe that Israel is anything other than a terrorist state it simply indicates that you are incapable of doing your own independent research.
Please look deeper.
The mainstream media is owned by the same Kazarian Mafia (fake jews) that own Israel and they tell you what they want you to believe so you will protect them and send them all your money.
Don’t fall for it.
You are being used.
Look into the history of the Kazars (Chazars) from Kazaria (Ukrain) who adopted the Jewish religion but who actually have zero Hebrew blood. These people are now called Ashkenazi and they amount to roughly 90% of all jews in the world today.
The Ashkenazi, Kazarian “jews” are NOT the Judaic people spoken of in the Bible.
Meaning, Yes give Israeli back their land! God blesses those who bless the Jews. The “palestinians” (which means invader or destroyer) didn’t even want that land until it was given to the Jews. The sound “P” isn’t even in their language. They call it balistine. Israel has been established for millenia, at least from 1500 BC. Islam wasn’t established until the 7th century AD. The word “palestine” came from the word Philistines which the Romans called Israel just to tick off the Jews because the Philistines were their enemy. That is where the other Arab people send them because they don’t want the trouble they bring. If they’re so upset about how they’re being treated, why don’t They take them in?! The Israeli govt forced their own people to leave in 2005 because of the deal made with the Bush administration. They left behind a lush and beautiful piece of land with greatly productive farms and expensive waterfront that they could have built a tourist economy with. Look at what they did with it instead! Billions of dollars to live underground like rats. The Jews have finally learned their hard lesson. The “palestinians” don’t want a 2 state solution. They said so themselves. They just want the Jews to be completely annihilated. The Jews Must annihilate them to survive. Btw, there is no genocide of the Arabs. There are 481,667,539 Arabs in the world at last count. There are 15.7 million Jews! In fact the population of Arabs in “palestine” has increased by 6% since the war.
Every time the USA has given Israel’s land to others there has been a catastrophe attached to it including Katrina and 9-11
7Genesis 12:3 NKJV — I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
“And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. 8 “Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”
A covenant is a promise. God does not lie. God does not break His promises. If He broke that covenant why would He keep the covenant with the Christians?
There is no replacement theory in existence. It’s a lie from satan! And you can’t judge All Jews by way of people like Soros or Rothschild. Do you want people judging us by Manson or Ted Bundy??
I was going to point you to actual research. Not something said by Q or whoever you got that from. But after seeing that garble you wrote all I can say that would be the most meaningful would be go to God’s Word for your information. I will pray for you that you will see the truth.