So many lives lost and homes destroyed. We need to put an end to these crimes against humanity. Using the weather as a weaponization to destroy lives and displace citizens for a land grab. Help them to take back their land and create a memorial for those that are no longer with us.
Prosecute them and the companies responsible for the premeditated land grab and patents for lithium and quartz. Where a second gentleman is involved with investing with shareholders and patents to the mining company by the VP.
Remove all aircraft’s that have Directed Energy Weapons and its patent to be causing wildfires. There’s also a patent to make artificial fog and mist. DARPA of course, for bioweapons of mass destruction. They need to be abolished for crimes against humanity.
Obviously we have our tax dollars working against us. They have taken our money and made weapons to use against us.
I wish there was never a political party ever formed because all the politicans sign bills that harm us instead of helping us.
They pay themselves huge salaries and take bribes as they sit in congress breaking every law under the sun. From insider trading to child and drug trafficking to make themselves wealthy.
4 years is all a member of both the house and senate should serve.
Even the judges and district attorneys need to have term limits.
The supreme court also need to have term lmits.
Chemtrails are full of aluminum, barium, strodium and more. Well guess what they use in dynamite? There is a Shasta County Supervisors meeting on youtube where scientists studied what was on the ground in the Mt. Shasta area. All of these chemtrails fall to the earth, and when it rains they are sucked up by the trees, the brush and the grass. This ain’t your grandpappies forest fire! This is why trees burn from the inside out. So yes, let’s take dynamite out of our chemtrails please.
Yes, chemtrailing seems to be an important preparation step before using the microwave lasers. I think at least in LA that the perpetrators also financed and sent in arsonists to detract away from the main cause (DEW technology).