Interstate insurance competition

National Health Insurance Market Access

Create a national, state-based health insurance marketplace that allows citizens of any U.S. state to purchase health insurance from any state in the country. This would ostensibly: increase competition, reduce premiums, provide individuals with more choices for coverage, and encourage insurers to offer better plans, improve market efficiency, and make healthcare more affordable and accessible to all Americans.


1.	Allow residents of any U.S. state to purchase health insurance from any other state within the national market.
2.	Promote competition among insurers across state lines to drive down premiums and improve plan offerings.
3.	Ensure universal consumer protection by maintaining high standards for policyholders, regardless of their state of residence.

Key Provisions

  1. Cross-State Insurance Purchase

    • Eligibility: Any resident of the United States will be allowed to purchase health insurance from any state, regardless of their state of residence.
    • Insurance Plans: Health insurance companies will be allowed to offer plans across state lines, subject to meeting federal minimum standards for coverage and state-level consumer protection laws.

  2. Consumer Protection and Standards

    • Uniform Federal Minimum Standard RECOMMENDATIONS vs requirements. Useful as a baseline. States will set their minimum requirements.
    • Transparency and Disclosures
    • State-Level Consumer Advocacy

  3. States Trump Feds: States’ Roles in Regulatory Oversight

    • States will retain the ability to regulate aspects of health insurance specific to their state, such as insurance rate approval, network adequacy, and certain market entry requirements. However, they will NOT be able to impose barriers that prevent cross-state insurance sales as long as the minimum requirements are met
    • State Coordination: A national health insurance clearinghouse - outsourced to the states, will be established to coordinate the sale of health plans across state lines and provide a platform for consumers to compare plans. Each state will provide input to ensure that regional healthcare needs are met.


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