Most patients do not realize they are not being seen by a Physician, rather instead they are being seen by a Nurse Practitioner or PA. This is very misleading for patients.
Solution: As part of an informed consent process, if a patient is not going to be seen by a physician they must be informed on paper they are being seen by a NP, PA, APP, etc and this paper must be signed by the patient acknowledging this and they agree to being seen by a non-physician. Ideally, this paper would also explain briefly the differences in training so they can make a fully informed decision on what provider they choose to see.
This is the text of a proposal I posted several days ago. Maybe we should consider merging our proposals.
The purpose:
Restore public trust in healthcare providers.
Establish the age when an individual has the legal capacity to give consent.
Hold any legal entity liable for knowingly manipulating persons into making uninformed decisions they regret later.
There is an indisputable essential right to informed consent.
“This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” - The Nuremberg Code
A person who has the legal capacity to give consent is a person who can legally purchase products or obtain services that are legal in the USA.
Parental/legal guardian’s informed consent must be required for a person incapable of informed consent.
Any non-medical professional, including school teachers, CPS workers, social media influencers, etc., should be criminally charged for interfering with another individual’s right to informed decisions about their health.
Medical providers who fail to provide all the information necessary for fully informed medical decisions must be liable for five years after their patients discover damages caused by uninformed choices.
Except for DNR orders, this should exclude life-threatening situations when first responders/medical providers don’t have the physical ability to obtain consent.
Read the Appelbaum Criteria for capacity. The one cited nearly 2,000 times. It’s a seminal paper on this very subject and is supposed to already be a thing prior to proceeding with any intervention.
You are right that it is “supposed to be a thing,” but if it really was, how could people be forced to get vaccinated against a disease with a ~99.9% survival rate for most of the population?
Also, the Appelbaum Criteria applies to mentally capable adults. I don’t know whether there is a legally established age when a person has the legal capacity to give consent. How is it possible that teachers and social workers could legally convince kids that they were “born in the wrong body,” doctors could manipulate parents to affirm medical gender transition by forcing them to choose “between a trans child or a dead child” and no one involved is held accountable for obvious violation of “First do no harm?” The main goal of my proposition is to help victims of deceit and manipulation and prevent situations like COVID and gender-affirming treatments from happening ever again.
The fact overwhelmingly patients call NPs and PAs doctors comes to show there lacks informed consent prior to scheduling an appointment. They should also not be wearing white coats, they should wear a separate distinguishing coat.