I live on the fort peck Indian reservation. I am a white man but I have many friends and family on the reservation. This is a homestead reservation, I believe the only one in the United States. There are a couple things that need to be addressed
- The drug problem. There is small manufacturing here, but not enough for trading and employing more than 100 people. So we have a drug problem that is out of control and the is where most of the employment on the reservation comes from that needs to be addressed and changed. It needs to move from that to a real employment opportunity to make this area more prosperous. Without a change it will continue to lose tribal members to death from drugs.
- Indian Health Service
This agency need a change of priorities. Right now the Indian people only get non life threatening care, and that is not good. If you need teeth fixed or replaced that is considered cosmetic and they have to pay. There is a large percentage of the population that can’t afford teeth let alone good food. The other non life threatening care that needs to change is surgery’s to fix damage from injuries that result in people not being able to work or do day to day activities. If you tear your knee or shoulder, they give you crutches or a wheelchair and say you have to pay out of pocket or Insurance, so now they can’t work or be productive. Then they just drink and live off welfare . Natives don’t have health insurance because they have Indian health supposed care. This needs to change to full care.