Increase tax on sugar

If sugar were more expensive and less accessible, many of our health problems would begin to be resolved. Sugar and sugar substitutes such as high fructose corn syrup are contributory to a plethora diseases. Not only does sugar place excess metabolic stress on our body, but also leads to inflammation and therefore to a myriad of health issues. If we’re able to decrease the bodies need to produce insulin to compensate for this overload, then we are more likely to have normalized body weights, and therefore decreasing the risk and burden of the gamut of metabolic disorders from diabetes to heart disease. Which will intern lighten the load of our medical expenditure yearly, allowing for that money to be deployed in other areas to better our country.

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Bad idea. If you want to increase taxes on your own food after you purchase it and send it to the government as a donation, the American people would not stop you; however, no matter what great white horse of salvation you ride on, you (or the government) should have absolutely no control of what other people consume in the privacy of own homes. You should be embarrassed by even suggesting this idea while standing on American soil – not sure why it doesn’t register with you. I think you need to go back to reading those high school Civics and American Government text books – oh wait, they don’t teach that anymore in high school do they? No wonder, this policy suggestion. We need less taxes, not more taxes. Sorry about sounding rude, but it is sort of rude to suggest a tax on everyone else to begin with, no matter WHAT good intentions you tried to convey - so the reply is quite justified. My two cents on it - thx.

Agree to Disagree. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.