Education guidelines should include encouraging and educating children in practices that will lead to physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Physical Fitness and Nutrition: Children should be taught basic to intermediate levels of nutrition as they move up in grades the same way they do levels of math. Physical fitness should come back as a priority. A call back to JFK’s physical fitness program of some kind(part of the JFK’s original plan was having teenagers hike 50 mils in 20 hours. It is insane, but possible). They only get one body. What good is any other form of knowledge if kids don’t have a functioning body?
Mental: Children should be taught the value of spending time outdoors and being active, as well as taught the mental dangers posed by screens, social media, pornography, etc.(all these dangers are well documented).
Spiritual Health: This takes the form of character education. We can easily teach a generic form of morality and ethics. Current forms of education ignore character completely. Teach children the value of honesty, honor, courage, compassion, etc…