Incentivize Mental Health Brain SPECT Imaging Facilities

Mental health care is primarily a matter of expert guesswork. This is the only area in health care where the organ that is affected the most (the brain) is not examined.

However, a new approach by the Amen clinics ( takes a brain SPECT image of the mentally ill brain, showing noticeable differences between disorders (Galleries | Amen Clinics Amen Clinics). This approach can identify disorders, including among those who are unaware of what they struggle with. It has proved tremendously helpful.

There are only 11 places in the United States where the Amen clinics are in operation. This means that many have a considerable distance to receive such cutting-edge mental health care treatment. Having only 11 such clinics also means the price is significantly higher.

Please incentivize the Amen clinic method for mental health screening. Please help make brain SPECT imaging a standard procedure in all American mental health care.


More than one person has mentioned this - I have never heard of it and I thought I had heard em all…! Grateful for the intel!!

Definitely going to dedicate some time and add this to my “bill” . Please continue to contribute as you wish
